"Do you want to increase the likelihood of improving your position in the fleet? Do yourself a favour and get a copy of 'Sailing to Win' by our very own Brett Bowden.

I'm not one for sailing jargon and complicated explanations. Brett nails simplicity in his book and provides the everyday human 505 sailor (and other classes) simple explanations, tips and tricks to help you improve your sailing.

He interviews some of the best sailors in the world and gets their thoughts on success strategies. He also breaks down some complicated science into easily understandable concepts."
Sarah MK
Australian 505 Sailing Association
"My very good friend Brett Bowden has just released his new book Sailing to win .For the experienced sailor it will be a vital read, however for the non-sailor it is a great read as well. Brett’s style of writing through interview is just fantastic.

Brett has the world’s BEST sailors explaining what they do and how they do it. If you are any sort of sports fan and want to know how the world’s best operate... this is the book for you... A Must Read!!!!! ."
Ricky Pichut
"Dear Brett,
Thank you for writing a sailing book which is easy to understand, practical and makes perfect sense. When reading Sailing to win, it was just like you were talking to me, I learnt so many things.

I have read many sailing books which were a waste of time.  Your book will be my permanent reference book. Look out fleet we are moving up in the results!"
Sue Cassidy
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